Six Schools Closed in Baringo Due to Banditry


Bandits from Tiaty in Baringo County have raided neighboring Baringo North Sub County, causing over 5 schools in the area to be closed.

The fate of five schools in Baringo North remains in limbo after frequent attacks by Pokot bandits. Ng’aratuko Primary in Saimo Soi Ward was the first to be closed after bandits attacked two teachers in living inside the school.

The two teachers escaped unhurt, but after the school reopened the head teacher of Kagir Primary was killed by the same bandits.

A family of four had earlier been attacked by the bandits where a father, mother and their one-year son were killed. The eldest daughter was then spared.

The Deputy of Chemoe Primary in neighboring Bartabwa Ward had also been murdered early this year.

Recently, KPR officers were attacked and one was killed while two were injured.

Baringo North OCPD was also attacked near Kagir, but he escaped with bullet holes on his car.

Residents have long fled the area, leaving only school going children who trek several kilometers to school every morning.

However, the situation has recently deteriorated, so much that several schools followed suit with closure.

So far the schools that have been closed due to banditry in Baringo North include Ng’aratuko Primary, Kagir Primary, Yatia Primary, Yatia Secondary, Kibenos Primary, and Rormoch Primary. Sibilo, Koiboware, and Chepkewel Primary schools are facing the threat of being closed if the raids continue.

Even as bandits roam the area causing maim and fear, the government is doing little to arrest the situation. Police officers stationed in the area rarely move around in search of the bandits. Instead, they stay put in their stations and react only when an incident has occurred and people killed.

The area leaders are calling on the government to deploy more officers and categorize the bandits as terrorists for more meaningful action to be taken.

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Fredrick Chepkonga

Mr. Fredrick Chepkonga is an educator and writer in Kenya with great experience in writing and research on education, economics, and finance topics. He has passion in mentoring young people to develop responsible citizens and future leaders.

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