Top 10 Classroom Do’s and Don’ts for Students

Classroom Management Students Do's and Don'ts

In our previous classroom management article, we discussed the dos and don’ts for teachers. In this article we will focus on the classroom dos and don’ts for students. Here were go!

The Do’s for Students

For a student to benefit from classroom lessons and activities, they must adhere to certain rules and follow some guidelines. Here are the things that students should do in order to be successful at school.

  • Come to class on time. A serious student should always be in class and seated for the next lesson before the bell rings.
  • Always be prepared. Students need to have all the learning tools in advance so that they become ready for class. Keep your books, binders, papers, pens, and pencils at your reach at all times. Should be kept well and in an organized manner.
  • Listen to the teachers. Listening is one of the most valuable virtues for students. If you don’t listen, you cannot understand concepts and will fail in examinations, and will not develop any knowledge. Listen well so that you can capture all pertinent information.
  • Be clean at all times. Student cleanliness and health is vital for effective learning. You cannot concentrate in class if you have itchy feelings out of sweat and dirt. Neatness also improves a student’s confidence, making them ready for learning.
  • Clean your classroom. Effective learning occurs in a clean and conducive environment. Make your classroom well ventilated and cleaned to remove bad odor and make it habitable for learning.
  • Complete assignments on time. To avoid unnecessary punishments, do your homework dutifully. Doing assignment is also good for your own practice and revision.
  • Be honest and respectful. Always tell the truth and respect your teachers, parents and fellow students. That way, you will be happy and positive with life, and that increases your readiness for and interest in learning.
  • Make eye contact. When speaking to the teacher and/or fellow students, make eye contacts to build your confidence and develop your communication skills.
  • Use polite words such as please, excuse me, sorry, and thank you when speaking with others. This allows you to be positive in your relationship with others.
  • Always make notes. When the teacher is teaching or when you are reading, always ensure you write down notes for your future reference and easy memorization.

The Classroom Don’ts for Students

Students also need to avoid certain habits if they are to become successful in their education. Here is a list of 10 Don’ts for students in the classroom.

  • Don’t bully others. This is my first in this category because for me discipline determines your future. You may not realize it now, but bullying or hurting others in any way has long term detrimental effects on your life.
  • Do not come to class late. Always be in class on time before the teacher.
  • Do not steal. To be at peace with yourself and with God, avoid stealing or taking other people’s materials without permission.
  • Do not use abusive words. Harassing others or using inappropriate language causes conflicts in the classroom, leading to a poor environment for learning.
  • Do not let anger overcome you. Although it is normal to be angry sometimes, allowing anger to control you is detrimental. Anger can have a negative impact on your character, relationships, and academic performance.
  • Do not gossip or backbite others. Talking ill of others is not good for your learning. It causes conflicts and hatred, which distract you from being committed to your learning.
  • Do not despise others. Good students don’t undermine others so that they appear cool. You’re cool if you accommodate the views of others and avoid looking down upon them.
  • Don’t bring food or chew gum in the classroom. This will distract you from your studies.
  • Do not sleep in class. The classroom is not a dormitory and the desk is not a bed. Don’t lose concentration in class. If you feel sleepy, stand up, stretch, and perhaps go outside and wash your face.
  • Don’t shout answers. Raise up your hand if you want to answer the teacher’s question(s). Furthermore, don’t interrupt others when they are speaking.
  • Don’t break school rules. Breaking the rules will put you on the wrong side with the teachers. You need to have a good relationship with teachers in order to make use of their expertise to learn.
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Fredrick Chepkonga

Mr. Fredrick Chepkonga is an educator and writer in Kenya with great experience in writing and research on education, economics, and finance topics. He has passion in mentoring young people to develop responsible citizens and future leaders.

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