List of Sub Counties, Constituencies and Wards in Mombasa

Map of Mombasa County

Mombasa is a coastal county of Kenya best known for tourism and sea transport. It is the smallest county in Kenya, but it is considered as one of the richest counties in the country.

List of Constituencies and Wards in Mombasa:

Mombasa County has a total of 6 constituencies and 30 wards as shown below:

Constituency name Pop. 2009 Census Area covered No. of ward wards
Changamwe 147,613 16 5 Port Reitz, Kipevu, Airport, Changamwe, Chaani
Jomvu 102,566 29 3 Jomvu Kuu, Miritini, Mikindani
Kisauni 194,065 88.7 7 Mjambere, Junda, Bamburi, Mwakirunge, Mtopanga, Magogoni, Shanzu
Nyali 185,990 22.88 5 Frere Town, Ziwa la Ngombe, Mkomani, Kongowea, Kadzandani
Likoni 166,008 41.10 5 Mtongwe, Shika Adabu, Bofu, Likoni, Timbwani
Mvita 143,128 14.80 5 Mji wa Kale/Makadara, Tudor, Tononoka, Majengo Ganjoni/Shimanzi
Total 939,370 212.48 30


List of Sub Counties in Mombasa County

There are 6 sub counties in Mombasa County:

  • Changamwe
  • Jomvu
  • Kisauni
  • Nyali
  • Likoni
  • Mvita
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